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Vauxhall Owners Club of Australia (VOCA) Concessional Registration Policy for WA

Concessional registration was created for historic vehicles, and includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, tractors, trailers, semi-trailers and caravans.  To be an approved Code 404 registered club’ it must have at least 30 financial members and is formed to preserve and restore historic vehicles.


The DoT (Department of Transport) issues a permit for registration on the basis of information provided by approved motoring clubs such as the VOCA and/or the CMC (Council of Motoring Clubs), and the onus on complying with the scheme is the responsibility of the owner.


The Vauxhall Owner’s Club of Australia (WA Branch) Inc is an approved and registered Code 404 Historic Club.


The scheme for concessional License under Code 404.


Historic vehicles must be 25 years or older without modifications. Exceptions are for manufacturer’s options and safety enhancements such as seatbelts and turn indicators.


Owners must belong to an CMC-recognised historic vehicle club as published on the CMC website. You must be a financial and current member of VOCA to obtain concessional registration.  This status must be current to maintain the Code 404 concession.


Your registration is a contract between you and the DoT. VOCA merely confirms your membership status and the historic eligibility of your vehicle. If there is a breach of the rules, you will be responsible. If you are tempted to submit bogus forms or misinformation be warned that you can be charged for making false declaration to a public official.


As part of the Scheme VOCA needs to keep accurate records of the vehicles that are registered under the scheme in the event a breach occurs and for auditing purposes.  


The vehicle under Code 404 Concessional License can be driven on any event run by a CMC approved club, provided that the event is listed by that club in its meeting minutes.


Personal use can be utilised for repairs or maintenance provided it is within 30 kms of the vehicles normal garaging location. (Contact VOCA-WA if exception is required.


All eligible vehicles in the scheme must display mandatory descriptive plates.


The Code 404 is non-transferable, and when sold the owner must notify VOCA-WA and return the descriptive plates.

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