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Vauxhall Owners Club of Australia (VOCA) Club Registration for South Australia

Vauxhall Owners Club of Australia (VOCA)

Conditional Registration for South Australia

Registration is available to financial members of the Vauxhall Owners Club of Australia (SA Branch) for vehicles where 25 years or more have lapsed since January 1st of the year in which the vehicle was manufactured.  Any vehicle fitting this definition is eligible for the Scheme provided it can legally be driven on public roads in its current configuration.  Vehicles may be registered for one, two or three years.  The cost is significantly less than full registration and no stamp duty is payable on historic vehicles.  Club registration is not transferable.

Vehicles can be used up to a maximum of 90 days in each registration year and its use must be recorded in a log book before the commencement of each journey.  Logbooks are issued by a nominated VOCA club official.  Logbooks must be carried in the vehicle and produced for inspection on request by a police officer or authorised officer under the Act.  Vehicles may be used for club events and other purposes, but must not be used for hire, fare or reward.  After annual VOCA club membership fees are paid the member must have their logbook endorsed by a VOCA club official.  The VOCA club must notify the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of all members with club registration who do not renew their club membership.

Further information may be obtained from the SA Government website regarding registration and the “Code of Practice” through the link:-



It is of interest to note that the cost of comprehensive insurance for vehicles with Conditional Registration is greatly reduced when compared to normal comprehensive insurance.

For further information contact the Vauxhall Club Vehicle Registrar  David Ellis by calling on 0431122604 or email

How to apply for the Historic Registration with the Vauxhall Owners Club

  1. Obtain a completed MR334 Form “Approval for Registration of a Vehicle on the Club Registration Scheme”.  These may be obtained from an authorised VOCA club official who will assess the vehicle before issuing the form.

  2. If the vehicle is being registered by a new owner they will also be required to complete an MR1 Form “Application for Registration and Third Party Insurance”

  3. Lodge the completed application forms at a Service SA customer service centre with appropriate payment.  Most new registrations will also require new number plates.  Interstate vehicles and those without a proven local history will require a vehicle identity inspection at a Vehicle Identity Inspection Station.

  4. Submit the “Registration Details Certificate” to an authorised VOCA club official who can issue a logbook which will be stamped and be valid till 31st July.  Logbooks can be used for 3 years.  Each year after membership fees are paid logbooks must be endorsed by an authorised VOCA club official and will be valid till the following July 31st.

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