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Club Code of Conduct


Members must not:


1. Refuse or neglect to comply with a provision or provisions of the Club Constitution
2. Willfully act in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Club
3. Behave in a manner contrary to this Code of Conduct
4. Act in a disrespectful, anti-social, abusive or undesirable manner towards another person or persons
5. Do anything that may harm the reputation of the Club or any of fits members
6. Drive an unregistered or uninsured vehicle on Club runs (off road activities excluded)
7. Partake in a Club activity under the influence of excessive alcohol or illicit drugs
8. Challenge the decision of judges at car shows and motorsport events
9. Disobey safety instructions issued by a Committee Member
10. Discuss issues on behalf of the Club to persons outside the Club without the prior approval of the Club Committee.


Members must:


1. Treat other people as they want to be treated themselves
2. Be familiar with the Club Code of Conduct
3. Obey the Road Rules as prescribed
4. Take responsibility for their own actions. The Club will not accept responsibility for the negligence or actions of any person or persons whatsoever
5. Ensure that motor vehicles on Club runs are registered, roadworthy. 3rd party property insurance as a minimum is highly recommended to be carried
6. Make any complaints or suggestions about the Club to a Committee Member to give the Management Committee an opportunity to address the issue raised.
7. Advise the Club Membership Secretary of any changes to contact details


Penalties can include reprimand, run exclusion, suspension or expulsion from the Club.


Committee Member Principles:


1. Maintain confidentiality and comply with all requirements of Privacy legislation, particularly in respect to members’ private information.

2. To prevent any potential office bearers from being exposed to questions of financial or other irregularities that could bring the entire Committee into disrepute, members who have breached the Code of Conduct or who are not completely up to date financially with the Club cannot nominate for an Office Bearer position in the Club Committee, except where such nomination is unanimously approved by the outgoing Committee.




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