50th Anniversary Year 1975 - 2025year

Being a member we can assist with some of these services below. To restore your Vauxhall back to new again
General Repairs,
Specialist Repairs
& Vintage Parts
A Range of Fabrics, Including Vintage Leathers, & Wide Variety of Colors
Spray paint, Custom Stencilling & Variety of Custom Panel Beating
A collection of our cars we've restored with passion

The Club was formed for the benefit and enjoyment of people with an interest in preserving the Vauxhall and Bedford marques. The club operates Nationally with branches in: New South Wales,Victoria South Australia Western Australia Queensland Tasmania (operates out of Victoria) Northern Territory (operates out of South Australia) The Club aims to unite enthusiasts encouraging preservation, restoration and use of Vauxhall cars and Bedford trucks regardless of age or model. An active events calendar unites members socially and provides the opportunity for the vehicles to be used and enjoyed on a regular basis. A spare parts department is operated by the Club for the benefit of Members, offering new and second-hand parts for many models. The stock is continually being added and some parts that are no longer readily available may be imported or re-manufactured according to demand. A library is maintained and has a large selection of original handbooks, sales literature and manuals for most models. Photocopies are available for a nominal fee. Surplus material from the library may be sold to members from time to time. A monthly magazine, "Australian Vauxhall News", is provided to members with details of club activities, outings, and information on Vauxhall and Bedford vehicles. A membership list and vehicle register are published annually.
For General enquiries please contact :
Vauxhall Owners Club of Australia Inc.
19 Stewart Street Artarmon NSW Australia 2064 :
By phone : Australia (NSW):02 9419 3686
International: + 61 2 9419 3686
Or use the 'Contact Form' opposite
Vauxhall Owners' Club of Australia Inc,
Inc No: A0021542J -
ARB No 088 471 550 ABN 73 088 471 550